Over time, a woman loses her reproductive function. Menopause usually occurs after 40 years, but for some, it occurs earlier, and for others, on the contrary, later. Changes happen gradually and the woman feels how her health condition is deteriorating. In order to go through this period more comfortably, it is worth taking medications. To date, non-hormonal drugs – menopause supplements are very popular.
Features and Signs of Menopause
With the climacteric, the number of hormones decreases rapidly. Gradually, a menopausal female loses the ability to have a baby. And the cessation of “critical days” is not the only evidence of this. In the female body, endocrine, vascular, and psychological changes occur. Doctors call this the menopausal syndrome. Supplements for menopause are now urgently needed by the woman’s body.
At this time, the following climax conditions are manifested:
- uncharacteristic fatigue and weakness;
- dizziness;
- blood pressure drops;
- sleep problems;
- irritability;
- heart palpitations;
- unreasonable flashes of heat.
These manifestations are due to changes in the hormonal background. That is why the most important step in the treatment of the climax is to take additional hormones. However, recent studies have shown that such medications can have many side effects and even cause breast cancer. An excellent alternative to hormonal treatment is the best menopause supplements, they will ease the condition of the woman and do not cause side effects.
What Are Menopause Supplements?
In order to cure the climacteric, doctors prescribe pills that include progestin and estrogen. However, these drugs can trigger side effects to occur, these may be swelling, thrombosis, weight gain, and digestive problems.
For this reason, women are trying to replace those preparations with supplements for menopause. They have a good effect and rarely lead to unpleasant consequences. Such medicines not only give the body the necessary hormones but also strengthen it.
The modern pharmaceutical market can offer many menopause supplements for every taste.
The following types of the best supplements for menopause exist:
- Preparations, which include phytoestrogens. These medicines are plant-based, they nourish the female body with substances that have a similar structure to natural hormones;
- Selective modulators that stimulate the body to produce its own estrogens;
- Special vitamin complexes;
- The combination of antidepressants, sedatives, and anticonvulsants.
The Best Menopause Supplements
The selection of suitable products depends on many factors. It is difficult to say which supplements for menopause are best for a particular woman. But, there are some medications that are in great demand because of their effectiveness, affordable cost, and lack of side effects.
These include the following:
- Estrosense;
- Supplements Balance;
- Remifemin;
- Dr. Tobias;
- Genius Estrogen Balance.
According to the most accurate surveys, these mentioned above natural remedies produce a highly beneficial effect on the menopausal females. They are very popular and have an impressive amount of positive reviews at various resources.
Menopause supplements are a great way to improve your health and to get rid of unpleasant menopausal symptoms with completely natural ingredients. Unlike medicines used during hormone therapy, these best menopause supplements are completely safe and natural.