Often, lake and pond issues start on land. Stormwater runoff from the rain accumulates a large amount of nutrients, like phosphorus and nitrogen, before it drains into pond. This may lead to issues with poor water quality such as foul odor and algae blooms.
With an established vegetative buffer surrounding your lake or pond, it will help filter these harmful nutrients, and it will also provide shoreline stability to help prevent erosion. Reducing the inflow of sediment into your lake or pond with a properly maintained buffer will help prolong and sometimes prevent the need of future dredging.
In addition, a vegetative buffer will create a perfect habitat for natural predators, like dragonflies, that feed on mosquitoes and their larvae, leading to improved mosquito control around your waterbody. Buffers can also be a great deterrent to Canada Geese and prevent them from becoming full time tenants on your property.
For the best vegetation for
pond management strategy of buffer zone, use a mixture of aquatic grasses, rushes, sledges, and other beneficial flowering species along with upland plants grown on the shore. There are many easy to maintain plants that will make the perfect addition to your buffer.
Here are a few recommended beneficial buffer plants:
- Native sedges and rushes
- Pickerelweed
- Blue Flag iris
- Swamp milkweed
- Lizard’s Tail
- Cardinal Flower
On another note, there are some common invasive plants that may spread rapidly causing harm to your pond’s ecosystem.
Here are a few invasive plant species to avoid:
- Phragmites or common reed
- Purple loosestrife
- Cattails
- Alligator weed
- Water primrose
- Smartweed
It’s also a good idea to avoid woody vegetation because it can destabilize banks, dry out soil and add significant amounts of undesirable nutrients to your waterbody.
Trees, shrubs and brush are a common type of woody vegetation found in buffers. Though they may look appealing, they can also contribute to reoccurring problems in your lake or pond.
Buffers are a significant element and an aesthetically pleasing addition to any waterbody. However, they require proper maintenance to ensure they function properly. A buffer that is well-managed will help save you money in the long run by reducing the need for multiple treatments due to on-going water quality issues. Proper
aeration for a pond is the most important to ensure a good balance. Solar kits for remote ponds is a great option if electrical power is not available.