Drug addiction is a medical condition classified as a chronic disease categorized by a compulsive behavior for drugs irrespective of its harmful results. Drug addiction can lead to severe mental health issues and an enormous impact on physical health.
The most challenging part of dealing with drug addiction is, indeed, the psychological impact it leaves. However, physical consequences cannot be ignored at all. This article is about Orange County drug consumption and its effects on young and old addicts.
Consumption of Drugs
There is no one kind of drug that causes addiction to it. One will come across many substances in their life that carries the potential to create a severe co-dependency on it. However, if we are strictly referring to drugs, then there can be two broad classifications of drugs.
- Prescribed drugs
- Illegal drugs
Drug addiction can form from the use of both sorts of drugs, which spells out one thing in bold: Drug addiction cannot be controlled or observed correctly. In many instances, the medicines prescribed by a practitioner can lead to passive addiction due to long-term use.
In other cases, illegal substances may be procured to consume for recreational purposes. This escalates to drug addiction. Some of the commonly consumed drugs have been mentioned below:
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Ecstasy
- Methamphetamine
- Mushrooms
- Methadone
- Bath Salts
Prescribed drugs that lead to addiction include anti-depressants, opioid drugs, painkillers, mood stabilizers, stimulants, and benzodiazepines. The Orange County drug consumptionhas been on the rise as the years’ pass, and thus, it is all the more important to keep an eye out for loved ones.
Effects of Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a medical condition wherein the patient becomes involuntarily dependent on drugs such that there is a complete lapse of control. The repeated drug use leads to harmful effects on the mental health and physical health of the addict. Some of the significant effects of drug addiction on the material being of a person are:
- Metabolic alteration
- Lung weakness
- Ischemia and other cardiovascular diseases
- Heart attacks
- Changes in the brain
- Nausea
- Liver failure
- Abdominal pain
- Seizures and strokes
- Poor immune system
- High infection risk
The effects of drug addiction are more pronounced in the mental health of the addict. It can affect day-to-day functions such as behavioral patterns, memory, decision-making, and judgment.
There are numerous changes to one’s mental health, as well. An addict will undergo sudden changes in their personal life as well. There may be shifts in routine, career changes, financial problems leading to economic status degradation, and complicated family life. Some of the notable impacts include:
- Difficulty in making decisions
- Unemployment
- Loss of interest
- Change of habits
- Isolation
- Financial problems
- Reckless sexual behavior
- Loss of loved ones
- Relationship failure
- Mental health issues such as depression or anxiety
How to Control Drug Consumption?
People using drugs is still not entirely clear as each person may have their reason. Moreover, it is not always possible to know what a person is up to given how busy our lives have gotten of late.
Regardless of that, it is necessary to keep loved ones in the loop and check up on them from time to time. It is essential to remember that drug addiction takes time, patience, and support from loved ones.