Take control of yourself
Food temptation can exist anywhere and anytime. Especially when dieting, ordinary food will look special and appetizing.
To overcome this, try to focus and control yourself. Hunger can come because the body loses a lot of calories during the diet.
Drink water
Sometimes the brain will send out the same signal for thirst and hunger, which is a growling stomach. To deal with a nagging stomach, you can consume 1-2 glasses of water and wait for the reaction. Usually, hunger is completely resolved immediately.
The bonus, consumption of water will not increase the calories in your body, and is quite effective at reducing hunger which is very excruciating.
Before doing activities, make sure you eat breakfast first. According to research from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, people who are accustomed to having breakfast before going to an activity are 50-80 percent more resistant to the temptation of hunger before lunch comes.
But before that, make sure the breakfast menu you choose contains quite complete nutrition, including fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates and vitamins.
Take supplements
Meticore reviews of this supplement product can help you in overcoming the problem of your excessive appetite. You can see more details on this website www.apnews.com
Eat high-energy foods that are low in calories
If you are on a diet, there is a chance that you will overeat because of hunger after holding back your appetite. Therefore, you should eat foods rich in nutrients and energy but low in calories, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Eating large amounts of these foods will stop your stomach from growling without building up too many calories to burn. 9. Reduce stress When stressed, many people take it out by eating continuously. This habit is different from physical hunger in general. Research published in the journal Appetite in 2012 linked stress with increased cravings and eating unnourished foods. To reduce this habit, you may need to practice mindfulness (mindfulness) while eating. In addition, regular sleep, social contact, and spending time relaxing can also help with stress.