Jack fruit thrives in Indonesia. The price is cheap and easy to get at the fruit market.
But unfortunately of the 8 benefits of jack fruit for health, it is still rare among us who know. Though this jack fruit is effective for pregnant women to consume because it can reduce morning sickness, help digestion, build fetal nerves, and many others.
Besides this sweet jack fruit, it resembles a soursop fruit, is useful to prevent cancer, treat trade, to reduce high blood pressure.
- Helps digestion.
Reporting from Indonesian food composition data, in 100 grams of sugar contains 28 mg of vitamin C which can help the digestive process of pregnant women.
Jack fruit can help the digestive problems of pregnant women such as easy bowel movements, reduce the possibility of constipation, and other digestive problems.
- Reducing morning sickness.
Also, the excellent content of vitamin B6 in jack fruit helps pregnant women prevent morning sickness or nausea during pregnancy.
- Building fetal nerves.
High carotene content in jack fruit is important for fetal development.
Regular jack fruit consumption during pregnancy can also be beneficial for building the nerves of the fetus, brain and immune system.
Also, the content of carotene or vitamin A is very important for eye health, skin, and hair.
Jackfruit has become one of the natural remedies for tuberculosis.
- Strengthen bones and reduces pain.
Calcium content of 127 mg in 100 grams of sugar can help strengthen bones in pregnant women.
During pregnancy, pregnant women often feel aches and pains in several parts of the body due to changes in body shape that begin to enlarge.
This can prevent reducing pain and pain in the bones and body during pregnancy.
Sugar can even help in the development of healthy skin, tendons, and blood vessels in the fetus.
- It helps the respiratory system.
According to the results of research at the College of Medicine, the University of Lagos, Nigeria states that jack fruit that hangs up carotene can help regulate the respiratory system during pregnancy.
- Lowering high blood pressure.
Pregnant women who are prone to developing high blood pressure during pregnancy or commonly referred to as pre-eclampsia can prevent it by consuming jack fruit during pregnancy.
The results of research from the Federal University of Technology, Nigeria said soursop has been used for centuries there to treat hypertension because the content of antioxidant phenol in jack fruit can help prevent high blood pressure.
- Anti-inflammation
The results of research from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur said that the ability to treat inflammation in jack fruit is indeed powerful, and can be used to eliminate arthritis.
In addition to its anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects, jack fruit is also known for it’s analgesic or pain relief effects.
- Prevent cancer.
According to one study, jack fruit is a proven cancer drug for most types of diseases.